Aurora College

Telephone1300 287 629

Aurora College started as the state’s virtual selective school servicing rural and remote students in 2015, but has grown to encompass a non-selective Stage 6 cohort, as well as a selective opportunity class cohort for Years 5 and 6 students. The aim is to allow students to enjoy a depth of study that was previously only available in metropolitan areas or boarding schools.

Lessons are delivered online synchronously to students in their school, by teachers in similar settings. Residential Camps are held twice yearly to deliver practical lessons, specialist excursions, and provide social opportunities for students to meet their peers.

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Explore Primary School Learning

Explore Secondary School Learning

Explore Senior School Learning

Aurora College offers a range of additional programs for our community. We partner with a range of educational, scientific and cultural institutions to deliver Masterclasses for our students, such as Astrophysics talk by Dr Brad Tucker. Other sessions are available to all Public School students, such as the eSafety webinars run in conjunction with the Office of the eSafety Commissioner, or the HSC Study Days program that delivers examination advice from experts, teachers, and HSC markers.


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Connecting students in rural and remote communities

Aurora students connect with their teachers and classmates in timetabled lessons through a cutting-edge virtual learning environment which comprises web conferencing software, a learning management system, and a range of communication and collaboration tools.